Meets third Wednesday of every month at 5:00 PM at the Sheffield Village Municipal Complex Council Chambers.
Sheffield Village Municipal Complex Council Chambers
The Planning Commission consists of five (5) members and includes the Mayor, one (1) member of Council, and three (3) citizens of Sheffield Village who are appointed by the Mayor.
Meets third Tuesday of every month at 5:00 PM at the Sheffield Village Municipal Complex Council Chambers.
Sheffield Village Municipal Complex Council Chambers
The Board of Zoning Appeals consists of three (3) citizens of Sheffield Village who are appointed by the Mayor.
Meets first Tuesday of every quarter at 7:00 PM at the Sheffield Village Municipal Complex Council Chambers.
Sheffield Village Municipal Complex Council Chambers
The Storm Water Utilities Board consists of one (1) member of Council, the Village Administrator serves as Chairman, the Village Engineer and four (4) citizens of Sheffield Village who are appointed by the Mayor.
Meets as needed.
The Records Commission consists of the Mayor, Fiscal Officer, Law Director and four (4) members appointed by the Mayor.
Meets as needed.
Consists of the Fiscal Officer who serves as Chairman, one (1) Council Representative and two (2) citizens of Sheffield Village appointed by the Mayor.