A Message to Sheffield Village Residents and Businesses
Sheffield Village buildings currently open to the public
All offices of Sheffield Village are considered essential and remain open and staffed.
We are grateful to our first responders, as well as our doctors and nurses - all of whom are on the front lines.
The Village will do all it can to keep residents and employees safe through this crisis. Please know we are here to address any concerns you may have during this uncertain time.
All staff can be reached either via phone or email as shown below.
Mayor’s Office 8-4 M-F
- Please call or email for appointment.
- Office: 440.949.6325
- bmarkovich@sheffieldvillage.com
Mayor’s Court 440.949.6324 8-4 M-F
- Drop box available at 4340 Colorado.
- mcsubak@sheffieldvillage.com
Police 440.949.6155 24/7
- Emergency Dial 911
- Dispatch is available at 4340 Colorado. Ave
- policechief@sheffieldvillage.com
Fire 440.949.6032 24/7
- Emergency Dial 911
- firechief@sheffieldvillage.com
Finance 440.934.1453 8-4 M-F
- fiscalofficer@sheffieldvillage.com
Building, Service, Sewer, & Stormwater 440.949.6209 8-4 M-F
- Drop box available at 4480 Colorado Ave
- lesliee@sheffieldvillage.com
Water 440.949.6210 8-4 M-F
- Drop box available at 4480 Colorado Ave
- kima@sheffieldvillage.com
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Police Safety Protocols
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, The Sheffield Village Police Department has implemented the following safety protocols:
- Absolutely no visitors inside the Police Department. The only exception will be Law Enforcement Officers here on Official Business.
- N95 masks and gloves have been provided to every police officer. Officers will wear masks and gloves if entering someone's house. Persons requesting police services to their residence are asked to meet officers outside whenever possible. Officers will maintain a distance of 6 feet from individuals whenever possible.
- Rather than having an officer respond to your residence for a non-emergency, we have implemented online Incident report forms. The forms are fillable and are available on the Police website at SheffieldVillage.com.
- Click here to access the Citizen Incident Report
- Click the Citizen Incident Report and save it, or contact dispatch at (440) 949-6155 and they will email the form to you.
- Fill out the form and email it to police@sheffieldvillage.com
- Be assured that we will respond if necessary, however, if we can gather information over the phone or by using the online complaint/incident form, that would be preferable.
- We have suspended building tours and ride alongs until further notice.
- Cruisers will be cleaned periodically throughout each shift. Transporting individuals other than prisoners will be on an emergency basis only and will be at the discretion of the Officer in Charge.
During these trying times, the men and women of the Sheffield Village Police Department will continue to provide professional services and expedient response, when necessary, to our residents, businesses, and those that pass through our community.
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Fire Department Safety Protocol
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Sheffield Village Fire Department has implemented the following safety protocols:
• Paramedics will be wearing glasses, masks and gloves on every call, don't be alarmed.
• Please let 911 know if you have flu symptoms when you call for us.
• Rest assured we are equipped and ready to help you—never hesitate to call us for help.
• The Fire Department has instituted a no-visitor policy.
• We have suspended all tours, internal & external, public education classes & fire prevention inspections.
• All outside training opportunities have been canceled by those hosting them.
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Sheffield Village Department Office Accessibility
Following the directive from the Governor of the State of Ohio, and by being deemed essential services, the Sheffield Village Service Department Office accessibility has changed.
Access to the various offices located in the Service Department (Service, Water, Sewer, Storm, Building) will be restricted. No admittance will be permitted without prior authorization.
Please use the following telephone numbers to make any necessary appointments:
- 440.949.6209 Building, Service, Sewer & Storm
- 440.949.6210 Water
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For Building, Service, Sewer & Storm Issues Call 440.949.6209
- Building information / forms can be obtained on the Village website (www.sheffieldvillage.com). Any other issues can be addressed by calling the Building Department at 440-949-6209.
- Submission of plans, etc. can be done in person by appointment. Call for further information.
- Building inspections shall still be performed with conditions. Please call for further information.
Following the State of Ohio’s BBS recommendations, we will be implementing the following guidelines:
Due to the outbreak of the Coronavirus, COVID-19, we are suspending all “close-contact inspections” except those deemed an emergency.
- We recommend departments maximize electronic submissions.
- We expect “New Construction” inspections to continue at this time. Understand these recommended guidelines may change at any time.
- Our inspectors have the discretion to ask for videos/photos in lieu of “in-person” inspections.
- It is our desire to protect the public and staff while still operating as a Building Department.
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For Water Department Issues Call 440.949.6210
- All Water Department payments can be made by either using the night deposit box located by the front door or using credit card by phone at 440-949-6210.
- Water shutoff notices will still be sent. Shutoffs will not be performed until further notice. Delinquent accounts shall still be responsible for the entire amount due when requested.
- Water meter replacement will no longer be performed until further notice, emergencies excepted.
Sheffield Village Resident COVID-19 Questions and Answers
Q: Has trash / recycling / bulk and yard waste pick up been impacted?
- A: YES. Effective immediately there will be no monthly bulk pick up or yard waste (which would have started April 15) until further notice. On Apr 10 – 12 (8am-6pm) a dumpster will be in the parking lot of Muni Complex at 4340 Colorado for bulk items only.
Q: Can I still go the Village parks?
- A: At this time, all city park outdoor spaces remain open, although all buildings and shelters will be closed. We ask all visitors to observe the current best practice guidelines for social distancing. PLEASE DO NOT USE PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT.
Q: Can I rent the Community Room at the Municipal Complex?
- A: All event rentals in the Municipal Complex Community Room are canceled and no further rentals will be taken until further notice.
Q: Will the Easter Egg Hunt and Pancake Breakfast still go on?
- A: Both the Pancake Breakfast & Easter Egg Hunt have been canceled. All other events have been canceled.
Q: Can tours of the fire and police department still be scheduled?
- A: All tours have been suspended until further notice.
Q: Will the Mayor still host the Annual Business Breakfast?
- A: This event has been canceled.
Q: How do I get an absentee ballot? Where can I find updated election information?
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